Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sugar Magnolia

I hope I meet her one day.
Just one day, no hurry,
Sugar Magnolia.
Maybe I've already met her,
Maybe its her,
Maybe she's the one,
Could she be?
Is that possible?
Makes me feel pretty damn good sometimes,
It could be,
It is possible.

I won't keep my hopes up just yet though,
I just hope I get to meet her before my time is up,
Hope I don't run to fast,
Run right past her,
Just see her in a blur,
That would be critical,
Code red,
Mistake of a lifetime,
If I missed out on something like that,
Sugar Magnolia.
She's amazing, makes me feel so good,
Hope I get to meet her,
Its a shame I don't already know her,
Or is it?
Am I old enough to recognize her when I see her,
Or to appreciate how she makes me feel?
Maybe its better if I don't meet her for some number of years,
That way I'll be well aged and well seasoned,
Able to truly appreciate the beauty,
The beyond beauty of Sugar Magnolia.
Hope I meet her one day.

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